Friday, February 10, 2012

I have a few blogging posts on tap for the weekend.  They won't of course all be posted this weekend, but I will definitely be working on them for next week.  They have a direction and a purpose and for that I am grateful.  If you have been following for awhile you may remember that I have been kind of scattered lately and have been having trouble wrapping my brain around a specific topic.  Maybe a reprieve is in my future!  Maybe I can chock it up to my regular exercise and healthier eating the last few weeks (Super Bowl Sunday was the exception).  Who knows, but whatever it is....ME LIKEY!!!!!

I just realized that February 22nd will be my one year cool is that???  I cannot believe that I have been blogging for an entire year.  Granted, sometimes things have been sporadic, but a year is a year.  I have been focusing lately on increasing my "Followers".  I know that some people really don't care whether people are reading or not - they just blog as a way to journal.  But I really enjoy knowing people are out there reading.  It somehow makes me more focused on posting regulary.  I know that I have a pretty long list of blogs I read regularly and really enjoy the time I spend catching up on what is going on or the great crafty ideas that I am inspired to create.  I can only hope that I provide others with that same feeling by taking a peak into my world.   In honor of my first Blogiversary I am planning a giveaway, but as with most good things there will be a catch.  Once I reach the number of followers equal to the number of post I have made during my first year of blogging the giveaway will be on like Donkey Kong - lol!  So for all you lurkers out there - if you are enjoying my blog, please take the plunge and FOLLOW!  You have nothing to lose and a great giveaway to gain.

My lunchtime is just about up, so back to work I go. TGIF and I hope that everyone has an amazing weekend!  Be looking for some fun posts next week.  I can't wait!

1 comment:

  1. woohoo for giveaways! count me in!
    and even though i am a wordpress blogger i always follow via my google account so ya get the follower credit!

    i am with ya on the followers -- it's nice to have an audience!


I love meeting new bloggers and love reading your comments....each and every one!